The Original Global leader in Value-Based Healthcare for Musculoskeletal Disorders. 

Full Continuum of care for the #1 global burden disease.

Musculoskeletal disorders are The #1 Global Health Burden affecting the world today. 

This Health Burden is compounded by the problems of:

This Health Burden trend can change.

DBC Global is one of the most experienced companies addressing the challenges in this market with an evidence-based treatment approach for treating high-risk MSK patients. We have invested  over 17 million euros on developing, validating, and implementing these treatment concepts into a scalable clinical practice.

With our new mobile and digital solution, we can make these concepts available to millions of people.

DBC founder, Medical Doctor, and Adjunct Professor Simo Taimela has been involved in the following studies supporting the DBC approach:

Additionally, DBC’s own quality assurance database is on par with the above-mentioned studies, resolving 90% of the MSK problems and generating up to 40% savings in direct healthcare costs. DBC COE (Center of Excellence) Clinics have operated in 22 countries, providing the same high quality results in all locations.